National Lawn Care Month - Red house with lawn and play yard

National Lawn Care Month

Survey Says: Americans Love their Yards and they are Important to a Home’s Resale Value

April is National Lawn Care Month so it is a great time to think about what your lawn and landscape do for you. Even in the age of the smartphone and T.V. show binge watching, the love affair with the American yard is not over.

According to an online survey commissioned by the National Association of Landscape Professionals and conducted by Harris Poll in May 2015, eighty-three percent of Americans think having a yard is important. Here are a few insights about the value of our lawns and backyards.

Your neighborhood’s landscaping is important.

Americans (91%) want to live in an area where they can see or walk to nice landscaping. So if you want the best chance of increasing the home prices in your neighborhood, make sure the landscaping looks good.

lawn in beautiful neighborhood
Celebrate National Lawn Care Month in your neighborhood

Nice landscaping helps to sell your house.

Eighty-four percent say that the quality of a home’s landscaping would affect their decision about whether or not to buy. Great neighborhood landscaping helps, but it isn’t enough; yours needs to look good too.

Your neighbors care what your yard looks like.

Seventy-one percent think it is important that their neighbors have well-maintained yards. Perhaps “good landscaping makes good neighbors” should be the new adage.

We want to enjoy our yards.

Seventy-five percent of people feel that it is important to spend time outside in their yards.

Family playing ball in backyard
#LawnCareMonth – Photo Courtesy of NALP – Sod Solutions

Despite common misperceptions, even Millennials want to spend time in their yards.

Seventy-five percent of Millennials (18–34 year olds) think spending time outside in their yards is important.

dog on a lawn
#LawnCareMonth – Photo Courtesy of NALP – Sod Solutions

People want help with their landscape.

A large majority of Americans (67%) agree that professional landscape help would allow them to have a nicer yard.

So, this April, don’t take your yard for granted: make the most of it and it will return many financial and emotional benefits. Contact  Cole Landscaping if you would like to jumpstart your next landscaping project.

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